Digital Inequality: Why Is It a Big Deal?

Have you ever thought about whether you should pay for an app to do your school or uni homework? This is yet a good story. The worst happens when students don't even have the internet access or enough laptops. 

Suziahan Bidin

Internet is Everything

In today's hyper-connected world, the internet is like our digital lifeline. It's where we order food, catch rides, and handle our finances—all without leaving the comfort of our homes. But here's the catch: not everyone has the same access to this digital universe.

Think about it:

  • Basic Needs: Imagine trying to order groceries online or schedule a ride when you don't have reliable internet access. It's like trying to swim without water.

  • Social Life: Have you ever thought how we relied on video calls to stay connected with family and friends, especially being miles away from them? 

  • Learning Opportunities: Online classes and tutorials have opened up a world of learning possibilities. But if you can't log in because you don't have internet access, you're stuck on the sidelines while others move forward.

  • Work-Life Balance: The internet has made life more convenient, giving us more time to relax and unwind. But without access, you're constantly playing catch-up, with no time left for the things you enjoy.

However, this works only if we have access to the internet. But what happens if not? 

Access to Internet is Human Right

John Moore/Getty Images

As Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the World Wide Web has emphasised the importance of ensuring universal internet availability as a basic human right. This access enables individuals to:

  • Get access to information and, therefore, be able to make informed decisions, pursue educational opportunities, and stay informed about current events,

  • Engage in Social and Economic Participation, including digital economy and using online services, apply for jobs, and connect with others for social and professional purposes.

  • Express Themselves Freely. The internet provides a platform for individuals to share ideas, and access diverse perspectives, fostering a vibrant exchange of thoughts and opinions.

The digital divide, including internet access barriers, constitutes one of the five key challenges confronting the next generation, as highlighted in the latest blog by V4H.

This is Digital Divide!

Access to the internet is just the beginning. What truly matters is how we harness its power and whether everyone has the tools they need to do so effectively.

A recent study by researchers from Thammasat and Siam Universities sheds light on Thailand's digital landscape, revealing some eye-opening findings:

While nearly all Thai schools have internet access—a promising start—there's a catch:

  • On average, a staggering 17 students share just one computer.

  • Shockingly, only 16% of households own a computer.

  • And here's the kicker: more than half of Thai teens aged 16-19 have never used a computer to create presentations.

Could this be the Digital Dark Ages? It seems like it. Even those who have access to the internet and gadgets often use them only for entertainment, rather than for developing their skills and knowledge.

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Pricey Software, Invisible Velvet Rope


In the fast-paced digital realm, having the right tools can mean the difference between blending in and standing out. 

Just picture this: you're ready to dive into STEM, graphic design, coding, or video editing—but wait, there's a hitch: The software you need comes with a hefty price tag, putting it out of reach for many aspiring creators. It's like having the key to unlock your dreams but finding the door locked tight.

Of course, there are ways to overcome it, such as: 

  • OpenOffice which allows us to avoid paying extra to do the job, which Microsoft office can do. 

  • Python: A versatile and powerful programming language used in STEM fields for data analysis, scientific computing, and machine learning.

  • SciPy: Built on top of Python, SciPy is a collection of open-source software for mathematics, science, and engineering, indispensable for STEM professionals.

  • Octave: Similar to MATLAB, Octave is an open-source numerical computing environment suitable for engineering and scientific simulations.

  • GIMP: This open-source image editor offers powerful features akin to Adobe Photoshop, making it a go-to choice for graphic design enthusiasts on a budget.

  • Audacity: As a free, cross-platform audio software, Audacity is ideal for recording, editing, and producing music or podcasts, offering a range of features comparable to premium audio editing software.

If There is No Free Option?

Consider Grammarly, Canva, or even ChatGPT—while they provide valuable services, the premium functions often come with a price tag. For those who can afford it, investing in these tools is beneficial. But what about those who can't?

Others offer free trial versions, enticing users with initial access. However, as time passes, the inability to afford the full version can lead to frustration and hindered productivity.

Happily, there are several foundations which help kids and high school students to get access even to those software which is not free:

  • Offers free coding resources and tutorials for students of all ages.

  • Scratch Foundation: Provides Scratch, a free programming language and online community where kids can create interactive stories, games, and animations.

  • Khan Academy: Offers a wide range of free educational resources, including interactive exercises, instructional videos, and personalized learning dashboards.

  • Mozilla Foundation: Offers web literacy resources and tools for teaching coding and digital skills.

  • Raspberry Pi Foundation: Provides low-cost computers and educational resources for learning programming and electronics.

Don’t Mind the Gap, Bridge It

AP Photo/Gemunu Amarasinghe

In a world where digital prowess equals opportunity, the digital divide stands as a formidable and sometimes invisible barrier to progress. It's not just about who flaunts the latest smartphone; it's about ensuring everyone has the tools and access to navigate the digital landscape.

Bridging this gap means igniting potential in every individual, envisioning a future where aspiring coders, designers, and entrepreneurs have equal access to realising their dreams. And, finally, contribute to society.  

Let's move beyond talk and take action. At V4H, we're committed to making a difference. Join us in our mission to fight the digital divide!


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